Our Story

Inventor, Nicole Lee (Nikki) enjoys baking with her children. Reese, (3), loves pressing dispense on her PantryChic® Smart Storage System.

Inventor, Nicole Lee (Nikki) enjoys baking with her children. Reese, (3), loves pressing dispense on her PantryChic® Smart Storage System.

PantryChic®, a division of Nik of Time, Inc. is a small family owned and operated company that started on the premise of making purposeful solutions to everyday problems. Nikki and her husband, Christopher embarked on their American entrepreneurial dream, creating innovation and seeing it through to development.

Over ten years ago, Nikki was making cookies in her small NYC apartment but found after a long day of baking, she was left unsatisfied with inconsistent results and a messy kitchen. She thought, “Wouldn’t it be great if I could just put my bowl under a canister and press a button to get exactly what I need?” To her surprise, she found there was nothing out there to meet this need and soon after found out that she was not alone.

This key insight combined with several years of research from bakers and foodies at every experience level led to the development of the PantryChic® Smart Storage System. 

Nikki and Christopher Lee introducing the PantryChic® Smart Storage System to retailers worldwide at the Inspired Home Show.

Nikki and Christopher Lee introducing the PantryChic® Smart Storage System to retailers worldwide at the Inspired Home Show.

Whether you are seeking more accuracy and efficiency preparing recipes or looking forward to experimenting with new ones, we hope the PantryChic® System brings as much joy and fun into your kitchen adventures as it has to ours. Our three little ones absolutely love pressing the Spoon button and watching the ingredients neatly dispense into the bowl!


PantryChic® Junior Pros

Nikki’s twin sons, Pierce (6) & Chase (6) have been a part of the PantryChic® journey from the beginning. Here they are testing the first PantryChic® Smart Storage System.